Last year I let my blog slip due to being very busy and to other issues that were going on in my life. This year I hope to get things back on track (hopefully not just another New Year’s resolution!).
Well, the New Year has started well with quite a few tours already. Amongst other things, I have been to the Sierra of Aracena three times. On the third visit I took some photos. The first few were taken out in the countryside on a farm that we visited. This year there are plenty of acorns for the Iberian pigs to eat, as can be seen in the photo below



The next photo is quite curious as it shows a holm oak (on the right)  and cork oak right next to each other. These are the trees that provide the acorns for the pigs during the last 3 months of so of their lives. Pigs prefer to eat holm oak acorns if they are available and there tend to be much more of these trees on land where the pigs roam.
At the ham-curing facility that we visited it was the first day this season that fresh hams were coming in to start the curing process.


The next photo shows hams that have just been covered in sea salt. They will spend one day per kilo under the salt at a temperature of around 3ºC and at about 90% humidity.